Recent News

Here is the latest news about WARD.

New WARD equipment is covered in TV2

WARD's latest project involves newly invented equipment which is covered in this article by TV2 TV2 artikel 27-07-2024 om ONWARD

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COPI writes about the positive aspects of AI for both patients and nurses

An article from COPI about WARD's use of AI and the positive effects it brings for both patients and nurses alike. Read more here:…

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ASA Monitor on WARD’s applications after discharge

ASA Monitor writes about the WARD Project and its use after discharge from hospital. Read it here:

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WARD and Innovation in ‘Healthcare Denmark’

WARD as an innovative project. Read it here:

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The Danish Cancer Society supports WARD

The Danish Cancer Society on WARD and how it is used with regard to cancer patients. Read it here:

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WARD in ‘Mandag Morgen’

An article on WARD as a startup. Read it here:

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WARD in ‘Altinget’

Mention of WARD in the Magazine Altinget. Read it here:

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New article about WARD in ‘Kræftens Bekæmpelse’

WARD CSS and AI mentioned on the website of The Danish Cancer Society. Read it here:

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WARD CSS on Danish National Television

Read about the latest efforts of WARD CSS in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic on Danish national television:

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Number of included patients: [Updated 16-09-2022]

WARD Home II (n=120)
WARD Surgery RCT II (n=504)
WARD Home II (n=120)
WARD Surgery RCT II (n=504)